Category Descriptions

What We Are Looking For

To really “make It”,  it always requires a lot more than just Talent.  It requires that extra something: Drive, Uniqueness, Passion and Confidence, an appeal to audiences, a kind soul that shares their gifts authentically and not simulated. We are seeking advanced works for the artist’s ages. Be Real, be True, be Giving and share Genuinely and ENGAGE us.

All of the below Categories are open to any Youths with Disabilities. Please submit your entries!


(Monologue) with authentic emotion and be truthfully and emotionally connected. Able to make an audience Feel something, range of emotions. Natural and committed. Ability to memorize lines and have a presence. For the 4-6 category, keep it short. 


Solo video from June 9, 2019 onward only, or recently filmed. Ability to really focus, confidence, endurance, technique, style, spatial awareness, emotional connection to music, coordination, facility an amount of strength or stretch, creativity, TOES! and expression.


Ability to relay pertinent information with clear communication and connect o an audience while remaining entertaining in their own way.  Strong sense of self, creativity, presence and intelligent delivery. WGT Host Script is required in video submission. Host Category Script


Any song that shows a great voice: No previous studio recordings. Studio recordings accepted if live.  Voice quality, texture, pitch control, range, passion, consistent volume, tone, pitching, support, creativity, style at all times and uniqueness of voice for recording. 


Any instrument played with a level of passion, ability, skill, sound, timing, feeling the piece, confidence yet modest, noticeable level of practice, creativity and difficulty of instrument and technique. 


Aerial acts, contortion, acrobats, object manipulation, and wire. Technique, passion, difficulty of act, creativity, confidence and physical fitness level. Dexterity, entertaining and noticeable level of practice.


Any unique act of Magic, skipping rope, juggling, ventriloquists, stand up comedy etc. Technique, entertainment value, confidence, engaging and creativity. 


Any visual art piece including paint, clay, watercolor, unique art etc. Artist must submit a video of them actually creating the art piece. Creative and unique  and artistic art piece, advanced for the artist’s age of art, skillful use of materials, diversity and aesthetically pleasing. 


Submit videos/links of activism. Able to inspire other people, should believe in every word you say and should really love what you are doing. Driven by an inner calling as opposed to a parent leading. Child should have a stubborn refusal to accept how it is and makes a difference. 


Contestant must state,  “Hi , my name is  _______ , and this is my quarantine creation” , in the intro of their video, then proceed directly into the video creation. No edits or cuts. All in one and un-edited.  Creation Video can be in any of the WGT categories. Quarantine  was difficult for some young gifted youths; this is their chance to show a creation that inspired them during this time.